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                大功率无线接收芯片CV8065D  Wireless power ~40W

                Description                    Features

                The CV8065D  is a highly-intergrated Wireless power single-chip (SoC) with 42W(24V@1.75A)  receiver/transmitter dual modes, The device can be configuraed to receiver or transmitter modes, when the devices work in transmitter mode, The rectify bridge work as full/half Bridge inverter, has a 16bits PWM generator, with dead-zone regulating. Embedded dual channels demodulator for Communication. When device work as receiver mode,

                The device receivers an AC power from a wireless transmitter, embedded a high efficiency synchronous full bridge rectifier converts to DC power, Embedded modulation and FSK demodulation circuits supports bi-direction communication,

                A Microprocessor manages power receiver/transfor and comunication, through a I2C port connect with

                Mobile phones AP, Embedded 16K Bytes MTP memory to support on line debugging and OTA function, low power design to meet the ENERGY star


                The device includes over-temperature, over-current and over/under voltage protections. The CV8065D  is available in 53-WLCSP package.


                Wireless power system

                                    Figure 1

                 Single-chip with Rx/TX dual modes wireless power solution     Compliance with WPC V1.2.4 BPP&EPP16Kbytes Multiple-time programmable(MTP)  no-volatile memeory;     Support proviate profile/protocol extention

                Support I2C 400KHZ standards interface       Embedded 12bits high accurancy ADC

                Embedded +/_ 2% acurrancy OSC in full temperature rank      Low standby and operating power consumption

                8 GPIOs with 1 channel Capture and 6 channels external ADCs      Voltage tolerance over 45V     Receiver mode

                --- Delivers up to 30~45W

                --- High Efficiency synchronous rectifier with low Rds(on)

                ---Low dropout regulator with low Rds(on)

                ---High accurancy frequency detection for FSK communication

                ---Output Voltage up to 26V, with 0.1V regulation/step from 3.6V~26.3V

                ---Programmable current limit

                ---Programbable Clamping voltage and strangth

                Transmitter mode

                ---Up to 10W power delivery  

                ---Inverter bridge with Half/Full bridge control mode

                ---High accurancy PWM controller to support phase-shiftPWM modulation and dead-zone control

                ---Package: 6x9 Ball array, 2.7mmx4.0mm, 54WLCSP with 0.4mm ball pitch

