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                无线ㄨ充电发射芯片CV90331 PDF

                所属类别:普通下载    浏览数量:379    发布时间:2021/12/30 14:44:48
                1. Chip Overview
                The CV90331 is a wireless charging transmitter SoC
                chip integrated with PD/QC function, which supports
                power supply from various adapters such as PD2.0, PPS
                (3.0), QC2.0, QC3.0, AFC, SCP, etc., supports WPC
                V1.2.4 wireless charging protocol, and CV90331
                integrates an enhanced 8bit MCU, 16Kbytes MTP memory
                that supports 2000 erasing, 1Kbits Xdata RAM, and 12bits
                high-precision analogue-to-digital converter (ADC).
                High-speed PWM generator can support multiple outputs,
                digital decoding circuit, built-in full-bridge drive and a
                high linearity low offset operational amplifier for current
                sensing, rich IO interface resources.
                The enhanced 51CPU core provides the flexibility of the
                system, and high-speed PWM can provide higher
                adjustment accuracy, thereby providing more accurate
                energy transmission and improving the systematic
                efficiency. Each analog module can be closed and enabled
                independently to ensure the lowest static power
                consumption of the system, which conforms to low power
                requirements for European Energy Star(Energy Star? )
                The wireless charging transmitter chip provides
                complete low voltage reset(UVLO),OVP、OCP、OTP
                etc. functions and support FOD.
                The CV90331 has QFN48L 5mmX5mm and 6mm x
                6mm two types QFN-package, and MOQ are 3Kpcs and
                2.5Kpcs respectively. The working temperature is -40oC to
                Figure 1. CV90331 Simplified application circuit:
                Mobile Device
                &DeMod Controller
                ? Support 3.3V to 5.5V input voltage.
                ? Support WPC-QI V1.2.4 standards.
                ? Support 15W EPP device fast-charging.
                ? Build-in universal fast-charging interface:
                --Build-in Type-C PD interface function module
                support PD2.0 and PPS protocol
                --DP、DM ports support to BC1.2、QC2.0、QC3.0、
                SCP、AFC 、FCP and other fast-charging protocols.
                ? Build-in digital decoding module supports
                simultaneous decoding of voltage and current.
                ? Build-in enhanced 8051 cord and 16kBytes MTP
                ROM and 1Kbits Xdata RAM ensure the flexible
                programming performance of the system.
                ? Build-in OSC circurt and full-temperature range
                accuracy up to 1%.
                ? Build-in PLL, and provides up to 96Mhz
                frequency for PWM.
                ? The 16bits PWM generator provides 3-channel
                full-bridge complementary PWM A/B/C output and a
                single PWM output that can be controlled as constant
                frequency voltage regulation control.
                ? Build-in12bits ADC@200Ksps 9 channel.
                ? Build-in full-bridge MOS driver.
                ? Build-in has self-calibration and low-zero-drift
                OP Amp.
                ? Communication interface
                ? GPIO 16
                ? Debugging interface and code protect function.
                ? Operating temperature range -40oC to +85oC.
                ? Package type:QFN48L(5x5mm2 & 6x6mm2)
                ? Single-coil、two-coils、three-coils wireless
                charging transmission
                ? Smart-phone accessories

                文件大小:573 KB

